Micro Climate

                                                       Air Humidity

A micro climate is set of atmospheric conditions of a specific area that may vary widely from the surrounding geographical area, especially Air Humidity and Air Temperature.          

Humidity levels fluctuate with change with weather, air temperature as well as the plants constantly transpiring which add water vapor to the air. Humid directly contributes to problems such as foliar and root diseases, slow drying of growing medium, plant stress and loss of quality of yields.  Together with the air temperature, it also impacts heavily the affect of various pests of a particular crop. Therefore, more pesticides are needed for disease control and plants tend to have weak, stretched growth making the plant less desirable.

Plants adjust their leaf stomatal openings on the VPD (Vapour-pressure-deficit) and the humidity in air. At high humidity, water usage by plant is too low which compromises quality of the yield. When humidity is very low, causes high transpiration and the plant closes its stomatal openings to minimize water loss and wilting. Therefore, photosynthesis is slowed and so is plant growth.

If the humidity is too low, plant growth is often compromised because plants take much longer to obtain the saleable size. Whether humidity is too high or too low, the loss of quality of the yield reduces the selling price and increases production costs. Therefore, it reduces profits.

geoBHUMI informs the exact Air Humidity of the field of the Farmer 24X7 Anytime from Anywhere. By knowing accurate Air Humidity and Air Temperature, farmers can reduce the pesticide spray and save production cost. They also can take all preventive actions against high /low humidity of the field to improve the health of the plants and production.

Air Temperature

A micro climate is set of atmospheric conditions of a specific area that may vary widely from the surrounding geographical area, especially Air Humidity and Air Temperature.


Air temperature is a measurement of how hot or cold the air is. Air temperature is a deciding factor in plant growth. Each crop has its own optimum, maximum and minimum temperature conditions for their growth and development. Some plants grow better in cooler temperatures, but some prefer warmer temperatures. The air temperature affects the requirement of water a particular crop. Accumulated temperature is a weather parameter that directly influences agricultural plant’s productivity.

The growth rate of plants increases with favorable temperature. Air temperature regulates most of plant processes like germination, flowering, photosynthesis, transpiration and respiration.   

High air temperature increases loss of moisture from soil and plants. Therefore, plant growth rate and all developments are highly dependent on the temperature. High temperature even for short period affects crop growth and reduces root growth. High temperature reduces almost all plant’s height and root elongation. So measuring air temperature of the farmer field is extremely critical.


geoBHUMI informs the exact Air Temperature of the field of the Farmer 24X7 Anytime from Anywhere. By knowing accurate Air Temperature and Air Humidity, farmers can reduce the pesticide spray and save production cost. They also can take all preventive actions against high /low temperature of the field to improve the heath of the plants and production


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